Welcome to Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church of Union City, Indiana


Thank you for visiting our website. Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church located at 933 N Howard Street, Union City, Indiana. We hold to and teach the word of God as our final authority for all matters of faith and practice as preserved in the King James Bible. We seek to glorify and honor our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as the Creator of all things and Head of His church. As such, we are unregistered, unincorporated and non-501c3.

My name is Mike Adams. The Lord has put me into the ministry here at Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church in Union City, IN! I’ve been the pastor since June of 2022.

I live in Union City with my wife and three grandchildren which we are raising. We love where our Lord has directed our steps, and we wouldn’t want it any other way! My vision for Union City is to reach lost souls with the soul saving gospel of Christ.

Along with knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, a child of God needs the church. Our church is a haven from this sin cursed world. My vision is for the born again of this town and outlying country area to come into God’s house and be yoked together with fellow believers as we love and serve Jesus Christ. Please contact me at any time. I want to be of service to you.

Pastor Mike Adams

Colossians 1:18  And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.


13 Comments on “Welcome to Cornerstone Historic Baptist Church of Union City, Indiana

  1. Hello
    I have a small Baptist church in Florida. I am non 501C3 and unregistered. I will stay that way. My question is do you know if and how I can open a bank account.


    • Thank you for visiting our website pastor. This is an excellent question. Because of the necessity of a tax ID number to have a bank account in today’s day and age, we have not found a way to do this without compromise. I would recommend you visit http://Lordshipchurches.info where questions similar to this one are answered. If you have any other questions along these lines, please feel free to contact me at pastorjasonburton@gmail.com.

      Lord bless,



  2. Hello Pastor Burton
    In this new year I’ve been starting in Genesis in my devotions. One thing that caught my attention was the old story of Cain. I seen something new in it this time, actually two things!
    The LGBTQ crowd cries out for acceptance these days. You could also say that the woman’s rights group cried out for acceptance a few decades ago.
    Well, God told Cain: If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.
    These crowds get fighting mad when they don’t get their way! They need to show repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ. Only then will they have peace and rest!
    Secondly, notice the issue with Cain’s countenance and what we as parents experience with our children’s fallen countenances. When sin lies at their door as it did with Cain, they cannot show happiness until they make amends with God and those they offended.
    God was long-suffering and gives Cain a chance to repent and know and feel acceptance! Many times I’ve heard youth saying this sort of comment: “My parents just don’t accept me.” Although we as parents need to show unconditional love to our children, we should be consistent in not accepting sinful actions or attitudes. Sometimes these attitudes are brought on or connected to a parental correcting. We as parents can say, “If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?”
    Praise the Lord for the understanding and guidance the Scriptures give us as parents of our children, the heritage of the LORD.
    Mike Adams


  3. Please Update my prayer request-help me pray for my son Collin Peterson who has a rare aortic/pulmonary cancer. This had metastic from pancreatic cancer in which God had graciously healed. His brother Billy Peterson was a strong proud warrior for God and is questioning his faith, not understanding God’s plans for Collin.
    Please add the following for salvation.
    Kevin Wagner
    Nathan Fritch
    Tyson Fritch
    Thank you and your prayer warriors for this.
    God Bless,
    Vicky Wagner
    I realize that you may have received this but I refuse to give up, thank you all.
    Pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16


  4. We really enjoyed having you and your family stop in to worship with us this Fathers Day Sunday morning here in Ellsinore, MO! We look forward to seeing y’all again the next time you’re over this way. God Bless!
    Seth Miller


    • Thank you Seth. It was a great blessing to finally find a like-minded church in Southeast Missouri. You all are always welcome to visit us if you are in the area!


  5. Good Morning,

    Please pray for Collin Peterson he has a rare cancer aortic/heart. This was mastisized from pancreatic cancer in which God blessed him with healing. Please share with your church that this be out before the Lord. Thank you.

    God Bless,
    Vicky Wagner


  6. Pastor. Here are some comments I believe concerning Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They are two ordinances that protect the church and keep it pure from contamination, Baptism is the entrance or gateway into the local body. Acts 2:41-42, 1 Cor 12:13. Those verses were paramount in me getting baptized into CHBC last Fall. The Lord’s Supper keeps you pure in the body by self examination and submission to authority. 1 Cor 11:28-31, Ps 139:23-24, Heb 13:7,17. The Lord’s Supper also keeps unity of the Spirit in the body. 1 Cor 12:12 . It is easyto understand why the invisible church folk would not esteem baptism as necessary for the Lord’s Table. Perhaps they do not want to be responsible to an authority? ? A universal church does not exist nor can it scripturally function! ! I look forward to sharpening iron with you on this. I am usually kind of dull! Love in Christ our Lord and Savior, Mike Adams


    • Excellent points on baptism and the Lord’s Supper. I think there has been a great deal of confusion on these points of doctrine due to the invisible universal church mindset. Unfortunately, those who hold to the universal invisible church have to overcome much scripture (which you have mentioned). While submission might be an issue, many may simply be following what they have been taught or not having given much thought to the doctrines of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

      Great thoughts on the issue, Mike. We should always endeavor to follow scripture wherever it goes even if it goes against what we’ve been taught as it is to be our final authority on all matters of faith and practice.


    • Trust me,if you think everyone has a trouble with submission became they believe in a universal church,you should reconsider that.
      If you believe there is no universal church,then which local church did Jesus give Himself for.Does that mean if your not a member of a local church,your not saved?Which isn’t true.And also would that make you a second cousin to a follower of John Calvin?
      Think about it.


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